dedicated to the memory of

Jean L. "Pit" LeBrun

February 2 1974 - December 26 1994

Remember Me
Little Pit's Report on Evander Holyfield
Sports Resume
Sports Pictures
Special Olympics
Outstanding Boxer Award
FBHS Wrestling Award
News Leader Article
Guest Book

Name:  Little Pit LeBrun
I loved my dad very much. I don't remember much about my dad because I was young, but I do remember him catching a rabbit on Easter. Whenever I see pictures of my dad, it makes me smile and feel good. If I could say anything to my dad, I would tell him I love him.

Name:    Kailee-Lane LeBrun
Whenever I look at my daddys picture,I look at his funny smile. It's just like mine! If I could tell my daddy I love him, I would say it everyday. I miss my daddy everyday. I want to tell granny and papa I am sorry your son died. Thank you for having my daddy.

Name:    Jim Whitcomb
Comment: The site is very well done, I lost my son on Sept 24, 1999 and I know the loss you feel. Thanks Marilyn for telling me about this web-site. May God give you strength to endure the loss.

Name   : John David Crow
Email  :
Comment: I just found this web-site today, and I am so impressed. I love you all and thank you for giving this to us.
I will never forget.

Name   : Callie Hollis
Email  :
Comment: I never got to meet Pit, but I got to know his family, and if that is any indication of what kind of person he was, then we all lost a great man. He lives on through all the people his life touched...and continues to touch. He left a legacy.
with much love, Callie

Name   : Marilyn Thrift  (mother-in-law)
Email  :
Comment: Joe and I always said that Pit would be the one we would have chosen for our daughter if the choice had been ours.  We were blessed to have him as part of our family.  Not a day goes by that we don't thank God for having known such a wonderful young man!  We love you, Pit.

Name   : Kenna-Joy
Email  :
Comment: This page serves as a bitter sweet reminder of how much Pit left behind. Everyday, as I look at his two beautiful children, I am reminded how short life is and how blessed we are to have another 24 hours with the ones we love.

Name   : Mike Emanuel - coach "E"
Email  :
Comment: There is never a day in my life I do not use my past memories of the many times with "PIT".  I have used my memories of him for strength, encouragement and in the raising of my family. Respectfully, coach "E"

"lord take away the sins of the world , have mercy on us".

Name   : Johanne Bell (LeBrun)
Email  :
Comment: Thank you for this guest book.  It will be interesting to read the comments of family, friends, and classmates of memories of Pit.  There IS "An Angel Amongst Us". 

Pit, I think of you and what you mean to me, daily. Love, "Your Favorite Sis".

From: Johanne LeBrun - Sep 14, 2002  
Comment: I had another healthy cry tonight, viewing this web site.  You have outdone yourselves with this web site and I deeply thank you.